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Hearing Conservation Program

Hearing Conservation Program in Malaysia


Personal Noise Monitoring Services Singapore noise dosimeter is a small, light device that clips to the lapel of worker near the ear. The dosimeter stores the noise level information and carries out an averaging process. It is useful in industry where noise usually varies in duration and intensity, and where the person changes locations. dose Badges we used, the original wireless personal noise dosimeter.


It is the ideal tool to carry out occupational and industrial hygiene noise measurements and provides a unique solution for these applications. Combining an innovative design with simple, robust and reliable operation, the dose Badge weighs only 51g/1.8oz.


With no cables, controls or displays, the dose Badge can be worn in areas where there is a risk of damaging traditional style units or where there is a risk of tampering.


Dose Badge we used, an innovative instrument that is ideal for measuring and assessing the noise exposure of workers and employees across all locations. And It’sa dual channel instrument that will measure, store and calculate the parameters essential for compliance with MOM noise regulations. These include LAeq, LCPeak&LEP,d as well as % Dose, LAVG & TWA. Along with these overall values, the dose Badge will store a Time History, or Noise Profile, throughout the measurement, for both channels.


Legal requirement for personal noise dosimetry :


As per the Workplace Safety and Health Guidelines Hearing Conservation Programme Rev 2014 as part of the company’s workplace safety and health (WSH) programme, when a person is exposed to 85 dB(A) or more over an eight-hour workday it is mandatory for his employer to implement a comprehensive Hearing Conservation Programme (HCP) to protect the workforce from exposure to excessive noise. The purpose of the Hearing Conservation Programme is to minimize the noise level that the workforce is exposed by following the elements mentioned in the hearing conservation and thereby prevent their workforce from the occupational disease – Noise Induced Deafness.


Qsafe Pte Ltd provide most experienced and competent noise consultants to assist the employers in preparing a comprehensive Hearing Conservation Program for various type of industries ranging from Manufacturing industry, factory, petrochemical industry, construction site. The noise consultants from Qsafe Pte Ltd not only prepare the Hearing Conservation Programme for the clients but also guide the occupiers or owner of the factory premises in every step and elements of the Hearing Conservation Programme.


Frequency of noise measurement :

​The frequency of noise monitoring is to be in-line with the noise monitoring. I.E. whenever the occupier (factory permit holder) performs the noise mapping, it shall be accompanied with the personal noise dosimeter measurement.

Competent personnel to handle the personal dosimeter :

The personnel who handle the personal dosimeter shall be competent. The competency required for noise monitoring officer in Singapore is as follows

​Shall pass the Noise Monitoring officer course

  • Shall know how to operate / field calibrate the personal dosimeter

  • Shall know how to download the data from the personal dosimeter using the software

QSafe Pte. Ltd provide the most competent personnel to perform the workplace noise monitoring and personal dosimetry.

Purpose of personal noise dosimeter measurement :

If a person is exposed over an eight-hour work shift to varying noise levels, then there is an need to calculate an equivalent sound level which would equal the same total sound energy exposure. This would have the same effect on the person’s hearing as the variable exposure actually received. Wearing the dosimeter over a complete work shift gives the average noise exposure or noise dose for that person. The purpose of the personal dosimeter monitoring is to get the most accurate noise exposure level of an individual personnel.

Submission of noise monitoring report to MOM :

As Qsafe Pte. Ltd is an MOM approved noise monitoring company, we shall submit the personal noise dosimeter measurement on behalf of our clients.

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